quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013

Six years ago

Six years ago, something happened to me, a terrible thing. Since that day, my life, my way of thinking, is not the same. I am no longer the same.
All I ever wanted, was to go back to being that happy girl who believes in people.
But she died. And it was born, a girl who does not believe in humanity is sad and alone.
Six years ago, I vowed revenge for the person that made me lose hope in life and in myself.
Today I managed to get that revenge.
But I could not do what this person has done to me. Just made him suffer. And now ...
My soul is in peace, at last.

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

A New Start

Life is hard. I know that. I have spent most of my time worrying about my problems and my depression. Not realizing that there is much more in me than my unhappiness. A certain person told me that I have to be myself and use the best that I have to get out of this damn disease. This person is right. I just have to thank her.

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

Amateur singers

One thing I never understood is that there are fantastic singers all over the internet, but they choose to sing songs written by other people.
People have to have imagination. We already know that those songs are fantastic. We want to hear other songs.
Imagine that all new singers sang other people's stuff. Then we would spend our lives always hearing the same songs.
You guys have fantastic voices, the songs have to be equally fantastic. Written by you, not by others.
Believe you. Because if you guys don't, no one will.

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Other of my favorites characters Haley James Scott. This is a wonderful song.

As a child, I used to watch a series. One Tree Hill.
This series changed my life.
Now, I see music as a part of me.
Peyton is one of my favorite characters. She encouraged me in many ways.
This is one of the bands she showed me how to love.

I'm just another depressed person hoping to release feelings to people who do not know me.
I'm portuguese but I write in English, because that's how I write and express what I feel better.
I am a fanatic for series.
I'm not very happy.
But I think with some incentivisation I can write very well.
My friends are my life. Just like my stories.
But that's not what I'm writing.
I'll show you the things about me, about my tastes, about music I like and more.
Just hope you like it.